Saturday, January 11, 2020

Indigenous Peoples, Oppressed Peoples, All Peoples

Becoming One Human Family....That's a tall order when we look around the world today and see the pervasive Illusions of Separation. They are operating on so many levels of human consciousness and experience that they crowd up our shared environment with dissonant vibrations of Greed and Hatred. These energies spent a long time growing in the Hearts of Humanity. 

Driven by the forces beckoning the Dominator energy, within us, to conquer others for thousands of years, we stopped living our nomadic lifestyle, that was harmonious with Nature, and we started to settle, conquer, enslave, destroy and also gather around us, people, things, and free time;
time that we filled with Mind- ideas, thoughts, and emotions. 

With the advent of perceived property, a greed was born, that One could have more than One needs and at first this may have been Good, if community is built around surplus of resources, if Recognition and Remembrance of the Source of Resources was honored. If Devotion to the Cycle of Life is preserved, Greed is kept in check and is simply a motivating force to act in order to Preserve the Community.

But if ideas and Mind-focus leads to Ego, and thoughts become out of Balance with Heart and Truth, then Greed can grow, and it did. Our History's true story is that of Humanity Collectively Manifesting a Reality fueled by Greed, and it's companion, Hatred. Once upon a time, these energies had no power, except in the thoughts of Men, who's Minds were among the first awakening. Today, They have become Beings of their own. They have part of the Flame of the Universal Fire that burns in the Hearts of Humanity.  For countless cycles of existence, and in countless universes, much like our own, whole realms have fallen to the demonic energies of Greed and Hatred. There are mythologies from civilizations throughout remembered and forgotten cultures of this Earth that tell of great battles between Gods and Demons. The Realms where transcendence of perspectives of Dualism vs. Non Dualism, transcendence of the Illusions weaving Life and Dream together in to Reality, are equally as real as the dimensional experience we are currently unfolding within.

In my own personal cosmology, these wars are still being waged, across the known and unknown universes, and here on our very Planet Earth. For our personal part, you can not deny the War energies around you. Racism. Economic Manipulation, Ethnic Genocide, Refugee Abuse, this and so much more is the Psychosis of the Human Mind.  You must seek to understand every single choice you make and the potential ripples it has in our Shared Space. The moment of choice for our species is happening and forces are awakening our Collective Consciousness
 to Self Awareness,
 to Continuity of Awareness, 
to Continuity of Existence. 
You Are.
You Are Loved by Existence.
You are protected by Divine Love.
The Vulnerability in your heart is your seat, where you connect to both your Spirit and the Earth. You must embrace it, in Peace. This connection guides you on all levels of your Being. This connection can lead you to complete transformation, in this very moment. Your Being is experiencing personal dissonance because of an inability to harmonize with the Dissonance of War, Greed, and Hatred. Our personal dissonance, if not transcended by meditation, body practice, and the use of mantra, prayer and/or sound and light tools; begins to create a feedback loop with society and our creations around us. 

We have the Power of Being Earthlings, we are One with all the stuff that created every part of this Universe. We are connected in the Web of Life, the Universal Qi Field, the Prana, the Pure Energy of Life. The times you feel encouraged and empowered or feel the rush of spiritual adrenalin or the pure deep well of Gratitude, when you are filled with Awe (regardless of the cause); 
you are getting a taste of the Nature of Our Being. 
This is You.
Be Yourself, unapologetically.
Find the self-lighting light inside of your own Heart.
Look at the suffering and Oppression around you.
Choose to dismantle the violence inside that comes from manipulating your own energy.
Choose to dismantle the scaffolding that you've built around your Heart, to protect your Light.
Let It Shine
On Yourself,
On Everyone and Everything around You.
See yourself as everything and nothing and embrace the connection that you 
See, Know, and Feel between us all.
DO not distract yourself with a Story.
Wake up to the True story of the Moment and Life unfolding 
Inside and Outside of You.
Wake up to the Paradox of Illusions.
Focus in the Heart's Love.
Focus in Gratitude
Plant Kindness
Harvest Love
Grow Peace Everywhere.

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