Sunday, January 15, 2023

TRUTH~The Resonance Underneath The Hologram ~*~ Freedom from Illusion ~*~

Collage art by Cascadian Creations

Here's to the celebration of another beautiful day. 
The Shivashtakam is one of my favorite mantras that really brings my Heart to Joy and Freedom. 
Sending you all Love, and Blessings that the days ahead deliver your manifestations 
in a flow that you notice and receive, with Love, Ease and Grace. 

Take in this bit of encouragement, put this mantra on and let these ideas sink in as the Shivashtakam flows through you and helps you release your resistance and move into your Heart. 
As you do, Allow yourself to Remember and Trust that 
 you are a part of this intricate, incredible creation and you are Loved by existence itself. 


When you are in alignment with the resonance of your own Truth, that vibration attracts the Life you truly want in your Heart of hearts. The Life you are, not just experiencing, but also co-creating, in every moment automatically adjusts it's vast array of interwoven vibrations to harmonize with your vibration, within which you are always resonating. Gaining conscious awareness of how we are creating vibrationally requires turning towards your Heart, letting go of the past, and freeing your attention/awareness from being distracted and deluded by the constructs of the Mind. We must shift into simply breathing and being in the moment, being in our Hearts. 

As a start, challenge yourself to keep breathing out, to keep letting go of the past, with every single outbreath. If you find difficulty in the release or with thoughts, say to yourself, silently or out-loud, with each out breath, "I release the past and am free to move forward from my Heart." Notice in just one breath, how both your resonance and the world around you, are already changing. When you realize you're holding onto the past or worrying about the future, simply return to breathing it all out on every outbreath. It's important that you are willing to let go, of everything that is not your present moment, every moment is new and is movement, life is change and being present means going with that flow, without attachment, without putting up resistance or defenses to it. It's the flow of Life, the flow of Love that we all are, it's the flow of Truth. You cannot control what the future brings by trying to avoid it  or being afraid that it will bring some terror your way - that creates anxiety. 

Instead of choosing to step out of the moment and dance with that anxiety over the future or getting distracted by the grief and joy that comes from trying to hold onto the Past...Instead of moving forward or backward at all, just breathe, come to rest in the moment, just breathe, come to rest in your Body, keep breathing, move yourself into your Heart, breathe into Being Here Now. Turning inward and rooting in your Heart uses your focused awareness to empower and strengthen your own vibration and it is from this center of Truth that access to the intellect of the Soul, the power of unthought wisdom and your purposeful creation of your HOME: Heaven On Mother is happening now.

Just like moving into anxiety is a choice, so is trusting and loving your own Heart. At least, seek to Love yourself as much as you Love your mind and the beautiful stories you are capable of creating. Trust yourself, Trust that you know in your Heart what you want. In the Truth of Space, everything exists in timelessness, that means, your Soul already knows now, what it is you will come to want in any and every future. So, as you manage your vibration now, the future that is in alignment is always refining and attracting to you. As you live and choose what to put your attention/awareness on, that's what your vibration tunes into, and when you tune in long enough to any particular thing, you become attached and your vibration shifts into Harmony with your chosen attachment and because you're focused awareness is empowering that thing, you get more of that... If you are focused on illusion, that is what you will continue to experience. 

Likewise, If you focus on the Truth of the Light of your Being, and simply breathing in and out and Being You in the present moment, instead of simply an attachment to an illusory construct of the mind, you take true seat, rooted in Being Yourself, harmonizing and aligning your vibration with the Truth of who you are in your Heart.  Trust that you are creating your life, vibrationally, and acknowledge, if it didn't seem that way before, it was simply that you didn't know how the illusion was keeping you captivated...realize, your focused attention on  the past or future was distracting, it's not that you weren't co-creating this life, it's not that Life or God or some external force wants you to fail and only get what you don't want, or trick you. It's simply a gap of understanding how we can trick ourselves so powerfully. Coming into realization of yourself and your capacity to create Life, to allow change, to release the illusions...that is all a natural part of the evolution of consciousness within the human experience. 

We are at a time/space nexus of now where generations of humanity got distracted by their personal stories and acted them out continuously on each other, the karma of history is a series of energetic flows that began with beings no longer on this plane, taking their actions from their egoic, selfish personal minds, but we don't have to keep harmonizing with those lingering karmic waves. We can bypass those dissonant frequencies, instead of getting lost in them by turning inwards, towards the Love in our Hearts and creating change externally, by changing our internal vibration.

If you are not allowing that change or not noticing it, you are putting up resistance to the emergence of your own Self and pushing away that which your Heart and Soul is creating.(Breathe out)
We most often do this because we become distracted by the stories happening in our own Mind and Imagination, we become attached to the version of ourselves that we put inside those stories, we come to believe that is who we are, attached to this identity, that actually only lives inside our own mind. Sometimes, there's even more than one of us up there. We have to let go of those identities and be ourselves.

All those moments in the past where you were hurt, offended, had unmet desires, etc...if one holds onto these grudges, even subconsciously, those attachments coax our conscious awareness to stay focused on these mind-stories and the addiction we have to the emotional experience of being "one who has been hurt" or "One who deserves better" or "Enter any story you want to tell about yourself"....this activity becomes severe when we start telling ourselves stories about others and instead of seeing each other's Truth we see only the veil of illusion that we have projected by believing our imaginary stories and assumptions are more true than the actual present moment of simply breathing and Being Here Now. 

Keep Breathing Out and Letting go on every out breath

Click Here to listen to a Mantra of Happiness from the Universal Mother


Below is an in-depth teaching from the Sat Yoga ashram in Costa Rica, where I am a member and currently studying long-distance. If any of this blog post, both my words above or my teacher Shunyamurti's down below, resonate with you, I highly encourage you to check out the ashram's offering including their vast library of teachings, their videos, classes and retreats and more at Liberation through Self-Realization and Sat Yoga


The Power of Mythlessness ~ A Sat Yoga Teaching

"Faith can be defined as the refusal to buy into any myth, to be faithful to the Truth, which will never submit to a mythology."

Spiritual development can be thought of as the double passage from one mode of perceiving reality to a second and then a third, specifically from the mode of experience to that of imperience, and finally to that of sumerience.

In the experiential mode, consciousness is divided into subject and object, on the one hand; and identified as an objectified subject, on the other. Awareness is funneled through the imaginary and symbolic grid of meaning, and the value differentiations of the ego distort perception through the curvature of perceptual space produced by the unconsciously determined egocentric selectivity of data and reactivity impulses that organize the dimensional projection of the primordial energy of Being into structured world-appearance and egoic physical identification plus ongoing repetitive mentalization, plus the absent heart of the Ground of Being, creating a sense of lack and a nostalgic desire for an impossible fulfillment. This can be mythologized as a religious feeling, or converted into an aesthetic, ethical, or scientific discourse, or de-sublimated into an addictive craving for an existent object.

When the perceptual mode of imperience unfolds, the inner world is revealed as having ontological priority. One becomes aware of the archetypal images and symbols and mathematical logic that structure the world-picture, that underlie and configure the space of “reality,” and that give rise to the quantum indeterminacy and possibility of novelty and the miraculous. The subtle energies of the inner world become recognized for their healing potency and transmutative efficacy. The power of visionary states, inspired insight, paranormal realities, non-substantial actants that catalyze unpredictable changes, shift the paradigm of perception even more radically toward awareness of the Intelligence that underlies, permeates, and designs the whole world-process. The divine presence becomes a palpable reality.

Once the intelligence has recognized the unitive nature of inner and outer, subject and object, and has begun the process of integrating all the opposites into a new nondual perceptual coherence, the meditative centering in the emptiness of pure awareness leads to the spectacular synesthesia of celebration of the infusion of the infinite Real into the finite reality. Thus emerges the truth of the timeless equation, Atman is Brahman is shrishti (creation). Self, world, and God are three-in-one, one-in-three. This is the summa, the peak of enlightenment, as well as the sum, the I am, the self-realization of Shiva. It is also called by the name of jagadananda, the bliss of realization that the world is the Self Supreme. This is known in Buddhism as Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, the Supreme Enlightenment of union with the Absolute.

Simply through silently abiding in the stillness of pure presence, abiding in the heart, as the unborn and deathless Self, the primordial Emptiness, the grace of blissful luminous love fills the vast and boundless reaches of the noumenal Godhead, and reveals Nirvana to be Samsara, Emptiness to manifest as form, and all as the eternal play of Shiva and Shakti. Consciousness becomes filled with joy, with fearless contentment, wholeness, in recognition of the perfection of all that is. Simply by surrendering to the Absolute, to Anuttara, the whole burden of karma melts away, the whole complex of egoic suffering dissolves instantaneously. Your nature is freedom, ecstasy, intuitive unitive understanding, nobility, unshakeable empowerment. You can claim all the benefits and powers of your true nature now. There is no need to wait. The portals of Liberation are open.




Om Namah Shivaya
Shivo Shivoham
Om Tat Sat

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