Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Sacred Poetry Share


Surrender into Self Realization

Hari Aum and Happy Sunday Beloveds! 
It is my hope that most of you are already well into shaking off the intensity, and density, of the energy we've collectively and personally been processing these last several weeks.  

It's been quite the cosmic upheaval and if you were able to ride the wave into your depths and shadows, a lot came up- a lot to contemplate, a lot to feel, a lot to transform. Some of the biggest themes under review are the ways in which we we put up resistance to our truth, the ways in which we work against ourselves, the ways which have kept us out of balance. It is time to surrender all these forms of dissonance and our identification with the projections, illusions, and stories that the Ego mind creates. 

Turn to your Heart, Turn towards the Mother, Turn inward and trust your spirit to guide you.  
Discover who you truly are, and choose to let go of anything that holds you back from expressing your truths. Let go of attachments, judgements, conditioning, beliefs and gain the clarity of the true nature of mind. Even if you don't know how, just choose it with your inner voice. Choose to guide your will with self love.
True freedom is your birthright. Peace, blissful contentment, and clarity of mind is your nature. Limitations come only from within and you can be free of them. 

With all my loving support and compassion, as we walk this journey together, I'm called to share these incredible poems that move my heart and call my soul to sing in celebration of my own freedom. I have fallen in Love with the whole universe, and that includes all of you, and so these shares are a way for me to express my love for each and everyone, and for the greater whole we all dissolve into, as the One Truth. It is my heart's hope that each of you feel the incredible bliss of the Love. 
It is all around us, It is in us, It is us. We are Love. We are Free. We are whole and complete.

So, for your contemplations and revelations, here are a few of my favorite sacred poems..


A poem by the Sufi master of the 9th century, Sheikh Abu Hassan of Karacan...

When I was rid of all that was below the divine
I called myself
And I heard My Lord respond
And I knew from that, that I had left my animal qualities behind.
I then honored the One who had summoned me,
and obeyed.
And becoming an intimate
was allowed to enter and worship
In the Oneness of Truth
Angels then sang my praises,
and I roamed pastures of beauty.
A light appeared and within it
I beheld the abode of Truth.
And by the time I reached it,
Of me, was left nothing


Selected poems by Sitaram Dass:


I am in one of those moods again
where I just want to kiss
anything that moves. 

I would even kiss the Sun
if he would let me, but instead 
he has climbed down
his own sunbeam
and nestled in my heart. 

Now, when I kiss the plants,
the insects, or the Moon, 
they burn
into stars. 

This is what you 
are yearning for, dear lover. 
Just lean closer, and let me
kiss you
into who

you really are. 


Mustard Seed

This is the faith
found folded inside
the absence
of all things,

not for god
or for man or the angels
but for it own

It's what's left
when loss and confusion
have stripped away the nail
from where the universe


Don't Worry

Don't Worry,
this pain you are feeling
is nothing more than
the excrutiating agony
of two holes drilled in your back
and wings shoved in. 



No true poet
claims to create beauty;
they discover it
the way a tambura player
that perfect place on the string 
to stroke

Deep within your soul
there is an antique table
where the two Buddhas, Sorrow and Joy, sit to have tea.

Their arms rest on the tables edges
as they lean close to each other's eyes. 

Within their intensity
lies four golden strings
to be played. 


Selected poems by 14th-century Saint from Kashmir, Lalla Ded


I have not really known myself,
or anyone else. 

I have tried to do good, and not
just what my appetites wanted,

but that was all infatuation
with this precious, isolated, body. 

That you and I were constantly joining,
I didn't know.  I didn't know

that even to ask "Who are You?"
or "Who am I?" breaks the harmony. 


If you live on the breath,
you won't be tortured
by hunger and thirst,
or the longing to touch. 

The purpose of being born is fulfilled 
in the state between "I am" 
and "That."


On the way to God the difficulties
feel like being ground by a millstone,
like night coming at noon, like
lightening through the clouds. 

But don't worry!
What must come, comes. 
Face everything with love,
as your mind dissolves in God.


Jai Ma
Jaya Śri Maharaj
Aum namo Narayana

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