Monday, November 27, 2023

Full Moon Reflections


Today's Full Moon in Gemini, on Moonday, brings the view of wholeness and shines it's entire spectrum of light down onto our world and right into us. The energy of the Full Moon is always one that Humanity experiences as intense, high-energy, revealing, sensual, magical, and more. It is in fact, literally, enlightening us. The Moon is our closest and most intimate natural, pure reflection. 
Despite our individual differences, we are bodies of mostly water, walking this Earth amidst the waves and flows of Life. The power of the Moon's push and pull as it dances in orbit with the Earth, and the Sun, impacts us, just as much as it does the ocean tides, and the atmospheric tides. Our own movements and how much we reveal and keep in the shadows is reflected in our view of the waxing and waning of the Moon. 

Developing a contemplative, reflective, and magical relationship with the Moon is a very empowered path that's been walked by an incredible amount of human beings, both today and in our ancestry. 
In fact, many countries still prioritize and follow a Moon calendar. We encourage everyone to take the time to develop a deeper connection to the Moon, and consciously acknowledge it as a reflection of the flows of energy within human life and as a reflection of the flows within our collective consciousness. 

For womb-bearing people, the Moon has a direct impact on the Sacred Blood fluids that swell and shed each month. Prior to the use of hormonal birth control and prior to living in toxic environments that cause hormone disruptions and imbalances, almost all women bled in harmony with the cycles of the Moon. When this was the case, most tribes and groups of people had some version of what is known as a Red Tent, or a Moon Lodge, amongst other names. When the New Moon time came, women would retreat to these tents/lodges, in order to bleed together in a supportive and powerful way. 
If a tribe was nomadic, their travels were directed by this natural cycle. Their movements would stop during the New Moon, so that women had the sacred time and space to bleed together. When women would retreat to bleed, men would also use the time to connect with their sacred paths, and serve to protect and care for the bleeding women. This contemplative time allowed us all to slow down, review our happenings as individuals and tribes, and make plans accordingly and in support with the rhythms and balance of Life. 
Women at this time, would bleed directly onto the Earth and this releasing of their Sacred Blood is part of humanity's natural role as healers and stewards of the Earth. Through this process, and the burying of our dead back into the soil, Humanity maintained a connection with, and fed the cycles of Life- creating a harmonious relationship with the Earth, the Moon, and our natural biorhythms and roles in Nature. 
A woman's monthly shedding is part of the processing of Humanity's collective grief, and each woman experiences that grief and sometimes pain, depending on what energies She is processing during her cycle. The flowing cycle of a womb-bearer's hormones and flows is full of natural magic and power. The power of all creation. A womb is a living well of knowledge, energy, and power. Every womb is connected to the same creative power that directs and Is all Life. Every womb is a microcosm of the Cosmic Womb, of the Divine Feminine that creates, sustains, and destroys the Universe.
This process of sustaining a conscious and intentional "moonthly" connection with the Earth allows our Divine Mother to be fed by our offerings. When our blood and our dead are returned to the Earth, She gains knowledge as she absorbs our energy and is more quickly able to make adjustments in the energic flows of Life to provide the balance in our environments and our lives; a balance within which we are meant to play a living part, through direct conscious and intentional connection with the Earth, the Moon, and the Divine Feminine that flows within all human beings. We can do this through many different paths that engage the power of the flowing energies of Life, here on Earth, and in the Cosmos.

When we look at the natural cycles of Life, from birth to death, all animals on this planet, when they die, return to the Earth, giving their Body back, even if they are eaten by another animal, they are still part of the connection, the web of life, of which death is just a natural part. Through our social and technological evolution, Humanity has disconnected itself, in many, many ways, from our natural cycles. Many people do not even believe they are connected to Nature at all. They see the environment as separate from themselves. They see their fellow human beings as separate from them. Many even suffer from Specism and elevate humanity above all other Earth beings. On the whole, large numbers of Humanity no longer engage in revering, honoring, and maintaining a healthy connection with Nature, with their Spirit, with the Cosmos, with Magic, with the Earth, even with themselves. 
This self-inflicted illusion of separation is the source of dissonance in the collective consciousness of Humanity and in our individual lives. Seeing the illusion, piercing through it and devoting yourself to reestablishing sacred relationships with the Earth, the Moon, the Cosmos, and each other, and remembering our true roles as stewards of our home, healers of wounds, and harmonizers of dissonance. We are free of the whims of chaos when we recognize what is behind these truths. We are the Earth, each and every one of us, animal, plant, mineral. What we experience as Life and manifest reality is the interacting flows of the collective consciousness of all Life on Earth, not just humanity's collective.


This is where we are, and truth of this is this illusion of separation that we buy into is that it's creating conflict, violence, harm, and in effect it is turning human beings into the most endangered species on Earth. If we continue to turn our back on the Earth's need to reestablish balance, our ignorance will lead to the end of our species, as it has already led to the extinction of 60% of our fellow earthling animals since 1970. Because if we cannot turn inward, and acknowledge the truth in our Hearts, of our connections- to each other, to our Souls, to all of Nature, the Heaven and the Earth; if we cannot remember and feel and know the living energy that IS within us, that IS us, that IS within all Life, the entire Universe. 

If we cannot look to see the Divinity within us and everywhere, and pierce the illusion of separation, we will vibrationally resonate our species into extinction. Life must go on and we know better now, we must integrate what we know, integrate the wisdom of our ancestors, of the land, of the cosmos. Because we know better, we must be better. We must return to the Heart of our Source, individually and collectively. Once we see this Divine Union in all Life, that we are a part of, once we feel it in our Hearts, we must live from that knowing, in reverence and respect, of the Earth, each other, our Unity, All Life.


May you feel the rising of your strength and courage,
 to Live the Truth you know is in your Heart.

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